Choosing to work with companies that utilize white hat SEO strategies is the best way to go for online businesses. White hat SEO services allow businesses to gain more conversions while keeping their reputation intact.

English: White hat seo symbolizes good ethic techniques in search engine marketing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Optimizing a business website for the search engine comprises only one aspect of a website?s SEO campaign. The off-site optimization efforts, also known as link building, is also just as important. But with more people engaging in search engine optimization, some tend to become complacent and think they can outdo Google?s algorithm and attempt to make shortcuts. When you do that, though, you could be risking your business to be flagged by Google and rendered unethical with your use of ill-advised schemes. Businesses that want to maximize the use of SEO should therefore focus on white hat SEO techniques to bring their campaign to the next level.
New businesses, or those that are not familiar with the ways of search engine optimization, might be confused as to what they should be looking into during their search. To put it simply, links are the core of what SEO is about. Thus, every business should focus on obtaining quality links (quality versus quantity). But you will no doubt encounter unethical online marketing company along the way that will focus on obtaining high volume of links that are not just useless, but could put the business? reputation on the line.
The following are considered part of the white hat SEO services, so business owners are recommended to look into them when comparing Google friendly SEO providers:

What really is Search Engine Optimization? (Photo credit: Go Local Search)
1. Article marketing is the bread and butter of search engine optimization. A few years ago, link builders might get away with keyword-stuffed content. But since Google released the Panda and the Penguin updates, a lot of sites that lack quality content suffered tremendously. Web users are looking for quality content these days that provide value to their search. Thus, ethical SEO practices that involve a properly optimized content is the way to go.
2. The creation of business and social network profiles is another strategy used by a reputable and ethical online marketing company. This is a fantastic way to establish a business? brand and allow prospects to establish trust, based on credibility and the merit of the people behind that organization.
3. Blog commenting is also an integral part of ethical SEO practices, although this strategy had been utilized for black hat SEO techniques in recent years. Ethical link build strategies, therefore, focus on industry links and authority sites that help establish credibility to the business being promoted, while at the same time contributing to the network or blog.
4. Other notable and acceptable techniques that are considered Google friendly SEO include the following: video marketing, online press releases, website submission to industry associations, and the use of infographics. To get maximum results, these techniques are used in combination with each other.

Image via CrunchBase
When choosing an online marketing company to hire for your business? search engine optimization, take time to look at the techniques they are using. It might take up more of your time but the additional effort can impact the business? marketing efforts in a positive way. The implementation of white hat SEO by is a great way to develop trust factor in search engines, boost traffic to the site, and optimize online brand.
About the author:
Above basic guide on seo article is been posted by Haji, Professional seo consultant at At spare time he likes to share tips on internet marketing.
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